Get Out of Box Font Package by Id

How to get an Out of the Box Font Package by Id in the SharePoint Online Brand Center using a Power Automate flow.




Not applicable

Screenshot with example

Sample data Site Address –
FontPackageId – 1ade2d81-8f4f-4c78-b14e-d1e10e88919e (Walbaum-Trade Gothic Next)

SP.FontPackage IdTitle
59148df6-fea6-4bed-9a1e-de7652b2feb2Microsoft default: Segoe UI
1e7a7803-045d-44df-9c7a-d2f2f8562e51Amasis Pro
90dd08f6-bf97-4de3-9770-111ed7805896Aptos-Aptos Serif
49c76a89-3ba2-4260-a392-5db89f3c4497Georgia Pro Condensed-Verdana Pro Condensed
1f3033ac-9c04-42b3-96e3-61f41a097ecaOffice: Aptos Display-Aptos
629bfb9b-8a82-48d4-980d-4ce3bee4b868Sitka Heading-Sitka Text
5f955493-db94-446f-93bf-2c7567861329Verdana Pro-Georgia Pro
1ade2d81-8f4f-4c78-b14e-d1e10e88919eWalbaum-Trade Gothic Next
SharePoint Online Brand Center Out of the Box Font Packages overview with IDs


Expected response

Details of the specific Out of the Box Font package.

Copy/paste example


Brand Center – Default Font Packages That’s it, Happy testing!

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